
Подайте заявку в2 кліка!

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Подайте заявку в2 кліка!

Наш додаток очікує Вашу заявку, щоб здивувати Вас своєю швидкістю і зручністю.
  • Легко управляйте вашою криптовалютою
  • Подавайте заявку за декілька кліків
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Maindivider FAQ

Question and answers

The most popular questions you ask us are collected here.:
  • General questions
  • Creating a wallet
  • Обмін
  • Payment
  • Мобільний додаток

    General questions

  • How to get a loan?

    1. Sign up
    Do it quickly by entering valid data: Name, Social Security Number, phone number and password.

    2. Choose sum and term
    Choose the best loan terms for yourself using the calculator in your Personal Account.

    3. Submit a loan application
    Get acquainted with the rules of granting a loan. If necessary, fill in missing data in the required fields and click on the "Sign Up" button.

    4. Add a Crypto Wallet
    Enter your Crypto Wallet address. Check attentively the address of the specified Crypto Wallet and that it is the TRC20 network. This is the Crypto Wallet that you will receive cryptocurrency to in the future. Click the “Next” button.

    5. Sign the Contract
    Carefully review the terms and conditions of the Loan Contract, add the electronically signed with the digital signature Contract in the appropriate field and click on the "Sign" button. Congratulations! Cryptocurrency will soon enter the Crypto Wallet!

  • What are the identity verification requirements for obtaining a loan?

    In order to be verified for a loan, the main requirement is to provide valid data during signing up. You will need to provide information from your official documents, such as your passport, and you will also need a photo to confirm identity.

    In addition, another important requirement is the presence of an E-wallet, where USDT will be sent.

  • How to apply?
  • What are the advantages of getting a loan in cryptocurrency compared to traditional fiat loans?

    Getting a loan in cryptocurrency allows you to avoid being tied to the traditional banking system. This is particularly useful for people who do not trust banks or have limited access to banking services. Using USDT loans, you get confidentiality and privacy.

  • Why is the loan issued only in USDT?

    The reason lies in the stability of this cryptocurrency. USDT, or Tether, is a stablecoin, meaning it is pegged to real currencies such as the US dollar. This ensures stable value and low risk of price fluctuations. When you get a loan in USDT, you can be sure that its value will remain stable during the repayment period, which allows you to conveniently manage your finances and plan your expenses.

  • Are collateral or guarantors required?

    No, the loan is issued without collateral or guarantors.

    Creating a wallet

  • Creating a Bit2Pay wallet
  • How to create an E-wallet in Trust Wallet ?

    Look at the video instruction on YouTube at the Link

  • How to create an E-wallet in Trustee Plus?

    Look at the video instruction on YouTube at the Link

  • How to create an E-wallet in Telegram Bot (@Wallet).

    Detailed instructions for creating an E-wallet in Telegram Bot in written form at the Link


  • USDT to UAH exchange via Bit2Pay wallet


  • How can I pay the loan in UAH?
  • How to make a payment via Telegram Bot (@Wallet)?
    Detailed instructions for payment via Telegram Bot (@Wallet) in written form at the Link

  • How to make a payment via Trust Wallet ?
    Look at the video instruction on YouTube at the Link

  • How to make a payment via Trustee Plus?
    Look at the video instruction on YouTube at the Link

    Mobile application

  • Payment in the mobile app
  • Registration in the mobile app
  • Applying in the mobile application
We are always in touch with you
Our experts are always delighted at helping you. Choose the method of communication convenient for you to receive a consultation..
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  • phone Order a call

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Our registration documents

BitCapital is committed to providing security and reliability for our customers, so we use advanced technologies to protect your financial data. You can rest assured that your personal information will be safely stored.

Contact us today and get access to fast and reliable financing in the world of cryptocurrencies.