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Maindivider Newsdivider are scammers masquerading as the popular Bitcapital crypto-loan service. are scammers masquerading as the popular Bitcapital crypto-loan service.

calendar 26-02-2024

BitCapital - how to distinguish a creditor's site from fraudsters?

Against the background of the popularity of the first Ukrainian online loan service in USDT BitCapital, many fraudulent sites have appeared that try to look like a creditor. To protect yourself and avoid falling prey to fraudsters, you should carefully follow some tips.

The main differences between the official BitCapital site and scammers:

1. Pay attention to the URL: the official service has this:

Fraudsters, in turn, use the "credit" domain.

2. Pay attention to the appearance of the site. The official website created by the BitCapital development team is user-friendly and easy to understand. In the header of the site, there are navigation pages, as well as a credit calculator that calculates interest for using a crypto loan. At a time when a fraudulent site looks like it was created in a free editor and has limited functionality, without the obvious use of the official company's brand colors.

What are the consequences if you come across a scam site?

1. You may lose your assets as scammers steal your personal information.

2. Sale of your personal information to third parties.

3. Your email and phone number may end up on a spam list, or you may be scammed by other scams.

4. If your personal financial data falls into the hands of criminals, it can affect your credit history, creating problems with further financial transactions and obtaining loans.

We warn you! Do not leave your data on suspicious sites!

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