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Maindivider Newsdivider Circle Faces Lawsuit Over Loss of USD Coin Stablecoins

Circle Faces Lawsuit Over Loss of USD Coin Stablecoins

calendar 13-09-2024

Circle, the company behind USD Coin (USDC), is facing legal action in Massachusetts, USA.

The lawsuit was filed by employees of the pharmaceutical company Celacare, who claim their director, Kenneth Yates, mistakenly transferred $1 million worth of USDC to the wrong crypto wallet. Despite attempts to recover the funds by identifying the wallet owner, all efforts were unsuccessful.

Celacare is asking the court to hold Circle responsible for compensating the loss, based on the provisions of the U.S. Uniform Commercial Code. The company's legal team argues that Circle, as the issuer of the stablecoin, must reimburse the funds in either fiat currency or USDC, as USD Coin is recognized as a financial asset.

The outcome of this case could have a far-reaching impact on the cryptocurrency industry, potentially setting a legal precedent for resolving disputes between stablecoin issuers and their users.

If the court rules in favor of Circle, individuals and businesses may face difficulties in recovering lost digital assets. On the other hand, if Celacare wins, it could create opportunities for bad actors to exploit the system, disguising fraudulent transfers as accidental ones to unknown wallets.

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