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Maindivider Newsdivider Tether's profit in the first half of the year reached $5.2 billion

Tether's profit in the first half of the year reached $5.2 billion

calendar 02-08-2024

Tether, the company that issues the USDT stablecoin, has published its Q2 report prepared by BDO accountants, where it reported a record profit of $5.2 billion for the first half of the year.

Net operating profit in the reporting period reached 1.3 billion, which was also the best result in the company's history!

The main factors behind this success were the stable demand for USDT and the expansion of the use of stablecoin in various financial areas. Tether continues to strengthen its position in the cryptocurrency market by providing users with a reliable and stable means of preserving value.

In the ranking of holders of short-term US Treasury bonds, the company is generally ranked third, behind only the United Kingdom and the Cayman Islands. The company admits that it will top this rating next year "given the dynamics of USDT implementation."

"Tether's CEO noted that the company is constantly working to improve its infrastructure and ensure the highest security standards for its users. 

"We are pleased to see this growth and will continue to develop our services to meet the needs of the market," he added.

USDT is used on most of the leading crypto exchanges, including Binance, Coinbase, Kraken, and others. It is accepted in more than 150 countries, which demonstrates the global trust in this asset.

The company regularly publishes reports on its reserves, confirming that each USDT is backed by appropriate assets. This adds to the trust among users and investors.

Overall, Tether's success is a testament to the trust users have in the USDT stablecoin and its important role in the world of digital finance. The company plans to continue investing in new technologies and expanding its services to remain a leader in the industry.

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