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Maindivider Newsdivider SpacePay: A cryptocurrency competitor to Visa is in the works

SpacePay: A cryptocurrency competitor to Visa is in the works

calendar 17-07-2024

SpacePay is a system under development that wants to implement an alternative to Visa/MasterCard, but with cryptocurrency. Users are promised convenient payments in supermarkets and support for a large number of coins!

How to use it?

It is difficult to use cryptocurrency in everyday life. You can't just buy bread with cryptocurrency or pay for a gym membership.

Although there are other cryptocurrency payment solutions on the market, merchants benefit from faster payments and lower fees when using SpacePay.

The project is currently in private beta and is setting new standards in the payments sector.

The system allows merchants, payment companies, and consumers to use cryptocurrencies without any obstacles.


The payment system's product focuses on reliability and transparency, actively working with the Telegram community and adhering to financial regulatory policies. The project is headed by Maxwell Bunting and is based in London.

To make payments, customers just need to scan a QR code in a store or on a website. This ensures instant and efficient transactions.  It supports more than 325 wallets, including MetaMask, Trust Wallet, Coinbase Wallet, Ledger Nano S, and many others.

These features of the system make it attractive to a wide range of users for everyday life!

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